The Coffeehouse is open to all veterans, both men and women of any age, to meet, socialize and connect with one another – and as such, we have a wide range of veterans from across the area, service backgrounds and military branches. As of 2022. the Coffeehouse has welcomed over 600 total veterans.

United States Army
United States Marine Corps
United States Navy
United States Air Force
United States Coast Guard

The Danielson Veterans Coffee House has been and is a place in which Veterans can gather for support of each other and featured speakers that provide invaluable information on a variety of topics and issues. I am honored to support this organization whose members have uniquely served and defended our country.
CT State Representative Anne Dauphinais
44th General Assembly District
The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse has been an important and vibrant addition to our Northeastern Connecticut Community. Besides offering the obvious benefits of friendship and fellowship, this group works tirelessly to make sure veterans are aware of and pointed towards the benefits and services they so richly deserve. They are also generous with their time, talent and treasures for area food pantries and other worthy causes. I consider it an honor to know many of the men of women of the Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse and am grateful for their good work in our community.
Gary Osbrey
Owner & President, WINY Radio

The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse is much like the town green for veterans. It’s a gathering place, to meet friends, reminisce and for many an opportunity to escape the confines of their homes and be with other veterans. An important aspect of the program is the well planned speaking programs that are presented, giving attendees information they may otherwise never have received. A wonderful addition to veterans services in Northeastern Connecticut.
Ronald P. Codeere
Commander, American Legion 4th District
The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse continuously proves their commitment to serving local veterans. Their meetings regularly offer presenters sharing beneficial information in support of the veteran community. Additionally, the Coffeehouse is responsible for bringing the CT Food Bank Pantry Truck to the farmers market to ensure veterans have access to healthy and free food. While the list goes on, its clear to all, the Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse is unwavering in their support to all local veterans.
Brian D. Maynard
Commander, American Legion Post #13

Northeastern Connecticut is a giving community. Residents consistently extend random acts of kindness and goodwill to those in need on a regular basis. One of the groups that actively engages in fulfilling the needs of veterans and others in community is The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse. Every day, these dedicated men and women set out to help others just as they did when they stepped up to answer the call to serve; void of hesitation and full of commitment. For them service to community is no different than service to their country. The mission, no matter what always gets fulfilled!